VERIFIED CHEMISTRY OBJECTIVE: 1-10: BBACBCCCBB 11-20: BAAADBDBDD 21-30: CAADAADDCB 31-40: ADBCACDAAD 41-50: AACABADAAA NO (1A) A chemical industry is an industry that uses chemistry to make chemical from other chemical substance(raw material) NO (1B) It states that a greater total spin state usually makes the resulting atom more stable. Accordingly, it can be taken that if two or more orbitals of equal energy are available, electrons will occupy them singly before filling them in pairs. NO (1C) 1S^2)2S^2)2P^6)3S^2)3P^6)3d^6) NO (1D) CH3CH(CH3)=CH2 CH3 NO (1E) i. Zinc and hydrogen chloride ii. calcium chloride iii. Upward delivery NO (1F) 1. Acid - base titration 2. Use of indicator 3. PH scale NO (1G)Conc in mol/dm3= No of moles/volume in dm3 volume in dm3 = 250/1000 = 0.25dm3 0.02= No of moles/0.25 No of moles = 0.02 * 0.25 = 0.005mol No of moles = mass/molar mass 0.005= mass/56 mass = 0.005 * 56 =0.28g NO (1H) Rate of reaction is defined as the ratio of the concentration of reactant converted or product formed to the time taken NO (1I) 1. Thermoplastics are usually at low temperatue while thermosets are at high temperature 2. Thermoplastic undergoes vulcanization while thermoset does not NO (1J) i. fermentation is the slow decomposition of large organic molecule e.g starch by micro- organism example, yeast and bacterial into smaller molecules e.g ethanol ii. Biotechnology is a field of applied science that deals with the relationship between medical biology and engineering technology NO (2A) (i) Q= 2,8, 6 R= 2, 8, 2 Q (ii) R (iii) R and T NO (2B) i. cathode rays are highly energetic negative fast-moving electrons produced from x-rays or discharge tube ii. Cathode rays are attracted towards the positive terminal of the electric field iii. Electrons (iv) High pressure Low Voltage NO (2C) i. Isotopic abundance is the relative percentage of individual element masses as determined by mass spectometer (ii) Similarity: They have the same atomic number Difference: They have different atomic masses (iii) 210X and 212X 210.2= X% * 210 x% =99% NO (2D) (i) 1. Electrovalent bond has a high melting point while covalent has low melting point 2. Electrovalent bond has a high boiling point while covalent bond low boiling point NO (2D) (ii) This is because of the increases in the number of electrons across the period NO (5A) i. contact process ii. X= oxygen , Y= SO2 iii. 450(degree celcius), 1atm iv. Stage II v. Vanadium(v)oxide vi. This is because oxides of sulphur are insoluble in water NO (5B) (i) 1. Density 2. Relative molecular mass NO (5B) (ii) I. Downward delivery II. Upward delivery NO (5C) (i) I. Steel = iron and carbon II. bronze = copper and Zinc NO (5C) (ii) I. its conduct electricity because of the presence of mobile electron in the crystal lattice II. This because graphite is non volatile and non sticky NO (5D) (i) 1. Oxygen 2. Nitrogen NO (5D) (ii) Oxygen is used for respiration Nitrogen is used for decomposition of bacteria NO (5D) (iii) To 1cm3 of unknown substance, contaning water, add copper(II) tetraoxosulphate(vi) a blue precipitate confirms the presence of water NO (5D) (iv) 1. potassium ion 2. Magnesium ion NO (4A) (i) I. Bauxite Kaolite II. Haematite, Iron pyrites NO (4A) (ii) Fe2O3(s)+3CO(g) -> 2Fe(l)+3CO2(g) Fe2O3(s)+3H2(g) -> 2Fe(s) + 3H2O(l) NO (4B) (i) 1. charge on the ion 2. Position of the ion in the electrochemical series 3. Nature of electrode NO (4B) (ii) I. Sn2+ is discharge in preference to Fe2+ II. Cu2+ is discharge in preference to H+ NO (4B) (iii) This is because Sn2+ is lower than in the electrochemical series compaired to Fe2+ and Cu2+ is lower than H+ NO (4C) This is because sulphur is used in manufacturing fire works gun powder and matches which can ignite with fuel NO (4D) Volume in dm3 = MQ/nMv where Mv = Molar mass M= Molar mass Q= quantity of electricity CuSO4 -> Cu2+ + SO4^-2 = 63.5 * 1.60/ 4* 22.4 = 1.13dm3 VERIFIED CHEMISTRY OBJECTIVE: 1-10: BBACBCCCBB 11-20: BAAADBDBDD 21-30: CAADAADDCB 31-40: ADBCACDAAD 41-50: AACABADAAA We are goin 2 post it 4 only our subscribers oooooooOooooooooo. Subscribe nao if u want to receive it fast. 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